특수·영재 교육저널 제6권 제1호 2019.06 > 특수·영재 교육저널

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특수·영재 교육저널 제6권 제1호 2019.06

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일19-09-02 13:44 조회2,525회 댓글0건



1. 사회적 지지, 심리적 자본, 창의성 간의 구조적 관계·································· 1
(The Structural Relationship among the Social Support, Psychological Capital, and Creativity)


2. 종이조형 활동이 지적장애 초등학생의 주의집중력 향상에 미치는 효과········ 15
(The Effects of Paper Formative Activities on Attention-Concentration Abilities of
Elementary Students with Intellectual Disabilities)
이상은(순천향대학교), 이성용(한국교통대학교)


3. 그래픽 조직자를 활용한 PBL 프로그램이 영재의 개인변인에 따라 비판적·창의적

 사고력과 성향에 미치는 효과: 가정환경, 학교환경을 중심으로······················ 29
(The effect of Problem-Based Learning program with graphic organizers
on the critical thinking & creative thinking abilities and the personality according to
personal variables of gifted students)
주소영(인하대학교), 이신동(순천향대학교)


4. 다문화변인에 따른 다문화가정 학생의 자기조절학습································ 51
(The Difference on Self-Regulated Learning of Students from Multicultural families
by Variables of Multiculture)


5. 지적장애 및 자폐성장애 학생을 위한 Touchmath 전략에 대한 국내외 실험연구 

비교 분석 ····························································································· 63
(A Review of Literature: Touchmath Strategy for Mathematics of Students with Intellectual Disabilities

        and Autism Spectrum Disorders)
이성용(한국교통대학교), 강영택(백석대학교)


6. 영재교육 질(Quality) 기준에 관한 국내외 현황 및 시사점 분석······················ 75
(Analysis and implication of the Domestic and Foreign Status on the Quality Standards
of Gifted Education)
심승엽(인천대학교), 박순흥(고양한내초등학교), 한기순(인천대학교)


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